Please use the link at the bottom of this page to view the Plain Military British
Armour page and much more..
Welcome to the
Plain Military website. May I start by thanking the men and women of the British Army who have allowed me
to take a moment of their time to get some great pictures of their vehicles. All pictures are taken on the SPTA (Salisbury
Plain Training Area).
Military was started around three years ago. I have always had a keen interest in military vehicles, whether classic or modern-day.
Plain Military concentrates mainly on the modern side of the British Army.
I must apologize
for the lack of information on the site. The reason being that Plain Military is intended as a pictorial representation of
the British Army.
For security
purposes vehicle, troop movments and locations have been with-held. Plain
Military is a private venture and is not seen as an official MOD website.
The majority of the pictures on this site are in digital format, if you are still running a dial up system the
pictures may take a few minutes to download. The site is designed for ease of use with each vehicle having it's own page.
All pictures are
copyright to Plain Military. If you are running a website and wish to use any of the pictures within the Plain Military web
pages then PLEASE contact me via email stating your website
address. Please contact me via email PRIOR to printing or publishing any pictures from the Plain Military web pages.
If you are running
a website and would like to add a link to Plain Military please let me know and I shall return the favour. If you have
any comments about the site please contact me via my email.
So that's about it. Time and care has been taken to try and create an easy to use website, with plenty
of good quality pictures. I do hope you enjoy what you see and come back soon. Many thanks Tony.